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Do I Need a Business License To Sell Online?

Sunday, March 26, 2023 by Jennie W.
Most small businesses need a combination of licenses and permits.
Most small businesses need a combination of licenses and permits from both federal and state government agencies.

The specifics and fees differ slightly between different locations, business activities, and government rules. Some states require one to have a license from the very first sale, while others allow one to operate without one until their sales surpass a certain threshold.
How To Get a Business License for Online Selling.

In order to get a business license, a small business generally needs the following:
  • Business owner’s legal names and their contacts.
  • Business name and contact information.
  • Employer identification number (EIN).
  • Required permits.
You'll need to register with several local, state, and federal regulatory agencies.
  • Register for an EIN. It's the equivalent of a social security number for your business, and it is a free service offered by Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
  • Acquire federal business licenses and permits if necessary.
  • Get local and state licenses.
The fees for federal and state licenses and permits range from a few dozen to several hundred dollars.

The whole process can take from a few days up to 90 days for some types of licenses.

Depending on your product and your business structure, you will need a combination of business licenses and permits in order to sell online. Check with your local and State goverment web sites for details on what is needed in your area.

Have any Questions? If you have any questions, feel free to call us toll-free.

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